Monday May 28, 2018
Sala de Seminarios Felipe Álvarez Daziano 5to piso del DIM
4.10pm Frédéric Rousset (Université Paris Sud, France)
Title:  Linear inviscid damping and enhanced viscous dissipation of shear flows by the conjugate operator method
Abstract: We will show how we can use the classical Mourre commutator method
to study the asymptotic behavior of the linearized incompressible Euler and
Navier-Stokes at small viscosity equations  about shear flows. We will focus
on the case of the mixing layer. Joint work with E Grenier, T. Nguyen and A. Soffer  Claire Delplancke (CMM)
Title: Intertwinings and Stein’s factors for birth-death processes
Abstract: In this talk, I will present intertwinings between Markov processes and gradients, which are functional relations relative to the space-derivative of a Markov semigroup. I will recall the first-order relation , in the continuous case for diffusions and in the discrete case for birth-death processes, and introduce a new second-order relation for a discrete Laplacian. As the main application, new quantitative bounds on the Stein factors of discrete distributions are provided. Stein’s factors are a key component of Stein’s method, a collection of techniques to bound the distance between probability distribution.

Monday May 7, 2018

Sala de Seminarios Felipe Álvarez Daziano 5to piso del DIM
4.10pm Mircea Petrache (PUC, Chile)
Title: Asymptotics for Optimal Transport between N-ples of points, with cost given by electrostatic interaction energy

Abstract: Consider the optimal transport problem N-ples of points, in which the transport cost between N points equals an electrostatic-type energy such as $\sum_{i\neq j} |x_i-x_j|^{-s}$ with $0<s<d$. We are led to a minimization problem for probability measures on $(\mathbb R^d)^N$, which is an N-marginal Optimal Transport problem, and has a direct physical interpretation.

We prove the sharp large-N asymptotics for the above N-marginal transport problem at second order, namely beyond the mean-field continuum limit. To this aim we establish a general finite-range decomposition technique into positive-definite contributions, extending a paper by Fefferman from 1985. This kind of decomposition seems interesting to study in itself and may have further applications.

Our questions also appear in Density Functional Theory, an important model used in computational chemistry and material science (1998 Nobel prize for W. Kohn). Mathematically, our problem represents a link between the study of ground states for classical and quantum gases. The techniques of the proof give a new viewpoint on wavelet-type decompositions, here applied within optimal transport theory.
Our description of asymptotics (a) can also be seen as an Optimal Transport parallel to, and (b) gives a new angle on, the study of asymptotics for Coulomb and Riesz gases, as done by Serfaty and collaborators.

5.00pm  Amal Taarabt (PUC, Chile.)
Title: On the current-current correlation measure for random Schrödinger operators
Abstract:  We review various properties of random Schrödinger operators
and recall formulations of conductivity and current-current correlation measure.
In this talk we will present a panoramic view and recent results on localized regime. We will focus in particular on the diagonal behaviour problem of the ccc-measure and explain how it is related to the localization length.
This is a work in progress with J. Bellissard and G. De Nettis.
Monday April 16, 2018
Sala de Seminarios Felipe Álvarez Daziano 5to piso del DIM
4.10pm Hanne Van Den Bosch (CMM, Chile)
Title: Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequalities in domains
Abstract:  Our objective is to estimate constants for a type of Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequalities in domains in euclidean space. We obtain a rough bound valid for bounded convex domains in dimension 3 and higher. When the domain is a cube, we obtain an improved bound in any dimension. In one dimension, the sharp constant is simply related to the sharp constant of the inequality on the real line and I will comment on the open question whether this holds true in higher dimensions.
Joint work with Rafael Benguria and Cristobal Vallejos. Maria Medina (PUC, Chile)
Title: A maximal nondegenerate sign-changing solution
for the Yamabe problem
Abstract: (pdf)
Monday April 2, 2018
 Sala de Seminarios Felipe Álvarez Daziano 5to piso del DIM
4.10pm  Jorge Faya (UNAM, Mexico)
Title: Existence of solutions to a pure critical elliptic system in a bounded domain.
Abstract: (pdf)
5.00pm  Carlos Román (Leipzig University & Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Germany.)

Title: On the 3D Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity.

Abstract: The Ginzburg-Landau model is a phenomenological description of superconductivity. A crucial feature is the occurrence of vortices (similar to those in fluid mechanics, but quantized), which appear above a certain value of the applied magnetic field called the first critical field. We are interested in the regime of small ɛ, where ɛ>0 is the inverse of the Ginzburg-Landau parameter. In this regime, the vortices are at main order codimension 2 topological singularities.

In this talk I will present a quantitative 3D vortex approximation construction for the Ginzburg-Landau functional, which provides an approximation of vortex lines coupled to a lower bound for the energy, optimal to leading order, analogous to the 2D ones, and valid for the first time at the ɛ-level. I will then apply these results to describe the behavior of global minimizers for the 3D Ginzburg-Landau functional below and near the first critical field. I will also provide a quantitative product-type estimate for the study of Ginzburg-Landau dynamics.

Monday March 26, 2018
Sala de Seminarios Felipe Álvarez Daziano 5to piso del DIM
4.15 pm Timo Weidl (Institut für Analysis, Dynamik und Modellierung
Universität Stuttgart, Germany)

Title: The edge resonance in elastic media with zero Poisson coefficient

Abstract: A two-dimensional  elastic semistrip with stress-free boundary conditions and
zero Poisson coefficients has an embedded eigenvalue on top of the continuous spectrum.
This effect is known as edge resonance. For an infinite plate of finite thickness with a drilling
hole $(R^2\setminus\Omega)\times I$ actually infinitely many edge resonances will occur.
This is related to the spectral problem of perturbations of symbols with strongly degenerated
minima, which also appear in BCS theory. I give an overview on some of our results in this
area, which still poses a number of mathematical challenges.


Monday March 12, 2018

Sala de Seminarios del 5to piso del CMM.  Jacek Jendrej (CNRS, Université Paris 13, France)
Title: Dynamics of strongly interacting unstable two-solitons for generalized Korteweg-de Vries equations
Abstract: Many evolution PDEs admit special solutions, called solitons, whose shape does not change in time. A multi-soliton is a solution which is close to a superposition of a finite number K of solitons placed at a large distance from each other. I am interested in describing multi-soliton dynamics for generalized Korteweg-de Vries equations. I will present a general method of formally predicting the time evolution of the centers and velocities of each soliton. Then I will discuss in detail the case K = 2, in particular in the regime of strong interactions, which occurs when the velocities of both solitons converge to the same value for large times. Under the additional assumption that the solitons are linearly unstable, one can show that the formal method correctly predicts the distance between the solitons for large times. I will outline this proof.
Monday December 11, 2017 
Sala de Seminarios del 5to piso del CMM
4pm.  Olivier Ley (IRMAR, INSA Rennes)

Large time behavior of solutions of first-order Hamilton-Jacobi
equations in the unbounded case.

Abstract: I will discuss some results about the large time behavior for unbounded
solutions of Eikonal type Hamilton-Jacobi in the whole space R^n and
illustrate the additional difficulties with respect to the periodic
case on an explicit easy control problem. This is a joint work
with Guy Barles (Tours), Thi Tuyen Nguyen (Padova) and
Thanh Viet Phan (Ho Chi Minh City).

 5pm : Marco Aurelio Soares Souto (Universidad Federal del Campina Grande)
 A priori estimates for elliptic equations in $\mathbb R^N$ – a critical case
Abstract: Using the Moser’s iteraction method we obtain an a priori estimate for elliptic equations in whole euclidian space in a critical growth situation.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Sala de Seminarios del 7mo piso (CMM)
Eiji Yanagida (Tokyo Inst. Technology)
Moving singularities in some parabolic partial differential equations
For parabolic partial differential equations, we can consider solutions with singularities
which move depending on time.  Such singularities are removable if they are weak enough, but some equations do possess singular solutions with proper singular profile.  In this talk, I will survey recent progress on the existence and removability of singularities in some parabolic equations.  I also discuss asymptotic pro file of solutions near singular points.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Sala de seminarios del 5to piso
José Manuel Palacios (DIM, UChile)
Stability of Sine-Gordon 2-solitons in the energy space
Abstract (pdf)
Monday October 2, 2017
Sala Multimedia 6to piso  CMM  Hanne van der Bosch (CMM, UChile)
Spectrum of Dirac operators describing Graphene Quantum dots
Low energy electronic excitations in graphene, a two-dimensional lattice of carbon atoms, are described effectively by a two–dimensional Dirac operator. For a bounded flake of graphene (a quantum dot), the choice of boundary conditions determines various properties of the spectrum. Several of these choices appear in the physics literature on graphene. For a simply connected flake and a family of boundary conditions, we obtain an explicit lower bound on the spectral gap around zero. We can also study the effect of the boundary conditions on eigenvalue sums in the semiclassical limit.
This is joint work with Rafael Benguria, Søren Fournais and Edgardo Stockmeyer.
Mini Course:
  1. Tuesday October 10, 2017 (10:15am-11:45pm)
  2. Thirsday October 12, 2017 (10:15am-11:45pm)
  3. Tuesday October 17, 2017 (10:15am-11:45pm)
  4. Thirsday October 19, 2017 (10:15am-11:45pm)
Sala de Seminarios 5to. piso,  DIM
Jean Dolbeault (Ceremade, U. París Dauphine)
Nonlinear flows and optimal functional inequalities. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del DIM U.Chile
  • 4 pm. Fethi Mahmoudi (CMM, U. de Chile)
Concentration on curves for a Neumann Ambrosetti-Prodi type problem in two dimensional domains
Abstract: (pdf)
  • 5:00 pm   Matteo Rizzi (CMM, UChile)
    Cahn-Hilliard equation and Willmore surfaces
    There are many results in the literature concerning the relation between the Allen-Cahn equation and minimal surfaces. In this talk I will present some analogue results for the Cahn-Hilliard equation, that is a fourth order PDE which is related to the Willmore energy through some Gamma-convergence results. I will present results in dimension 2 and 3, concerning the construction of solutions, and I will briefly discuss some qualitative properties.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Sala 2, Facultad de Matemáticas PUC

  • 4 pm. Rémy Rodiac (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
    Axially symmetric minimizers of the neo-Hookean energy in 3D
    The neo-Hookean energy is an energy broadly used by physicists and engineers to describe the behavior of elastic materials undergoing large deformations. However to prove the existence of minimizers of this energy is still an open problem. We consider this problem in an axisymmetric setting and show that if the domain do not contain the axis of symmetry then minimizers do exist. Ours axisymmetric minimizers are also solutions of the weak form of the Euler-Lagrange equations of elasticity. This is a joint work with Duvan Henao.
  •  5 pm. Mauricio Romo (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA)

Title: Derived Categories, gauge theories and analytic continuation

Abstarct: In this talk I will introduce the concept of Gauged Linear Sigma Model (GLSM), a class of quantum field theories, in mathematical terms. I will show how the GLSM can be used to conjecture derived equivalences (of categories such as coherent sheaves on projective spaces and a matrix factorizations) and how this translates into analytic properties of physical quantities.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del DIM U.Chile. 

  • 4 p.m. Jorge Faya (CMM U. Chile)
    Towers of nodal bubbles for the Bahri-Coron problem in punctured domains

    Abstract (pdf).

  • 5 pm. Claudio Muñoz (DIM-CMM U. Chile)
    Decay in 1+1 dimensional scalar field equations arising in Physics
    Abstract: In this talk I will review some results in collaboration with Kowalczyk and Martel, and a couple of very recent results worked together with Poblete and Pozo, and with Alejo, where we prove decay for small perturbations of scalar equations arising either in shallow water waves, nonlinear electrodynamics or quantum field theory. All these models share similar difficulties (and similar proofs): either there is no general decay, or decay is very weak because of long range nonlinearities, weak linear dispersion, or because of internal modes appearing from the linear dynamics. We will exemplify these results in the case of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon, phi^4 model, Boussinesq, and Born-Infeld models.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del DIM U.Chile. 

  • 3:00pm
Francisco Correa (UACH)
Title: Regularized degenerate multi-solitons

Abstract In this talk, we report complex PT-symmetric multi-soliton solutions to the Korteweg de-Vries equation that asymptotically contain one-soliton solutions, with each of them possessing the same amount of finite real energy. Such solutions, that differ to the usual multi-soliton ones, originate from degenerate energy solutions of the Schrödinger equation . We will describe how degenerate multi-soliton are obtained by the application of Darboux-Crum transformations involving Jordan states, or alternatively from a limiting process of Hirota’s direct method or Bäcklund transformations. We will also discuss the lateral displacements and time-delays for a scattering processes of complex multi-soliton solutions. The structure of the asymptotic behaviour resulting from the integrability of the model together with its PT-symmetry ensure the reality of all of these charges, including in particular the mass, the momentum and the energy.

This talk is based in the references

F. Correa, A. Fring, JHEP 09 008 (2016), arXiv:1605.06371.
J. Cen, F. Correa, A. Fring, JMP 58, 032901 (2017), arXiv:1608.01691.

Monday, June 5, 2017 
Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del DIM, U. de Chile
  • 4pm.  Marcel Clerc (DFI, U. de Chile)
    Title: Liquid-solid and liquid-liquid like transition in driven granular media

    Abstract : The theory of non-ideal gases at thermodynamic equilibrium, for instance the van der Waals gas model, has played a central role in our understanding of coexisting phases, as well as the transitions between them. In contrast, the theory fails with granular matter because collisions between the grains dissipate energy, and their macroscopic size renders thermal fluctuations negligible. When a mass of grains is subjected to mechanical vibration, it can make a transition to a fluid state. In this state, granular matter exhibits patterns and instabilities that resemble those of molecular fluids. Here, we report a granular solid–liquid phase transition in a vibrating granular monolayer. Unexpectedly, the transition is mediated by waves and is triggered by a negative compressibility, as for van der Waals phase coexistence, although the system does not satisfy the hypotheses used to understand atomic systems. The dynamic behaviour that we observe—coalescence, coagulation and wave propagation—is common to a wide class of phase transitions. We have combined experimental, numerical and theoretical studies to build a theoretical framework for this transition.

  • 5 pm. Norelys Aguila Camacho (Department of Electrical Engineering,  University of Chile)

Title: Stability analysis of fractional adaptive systems: Motivation, advances and main challenges. 

Abstract (Pdf)


Monday, May 29, 2017 

Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del DIM, U. de Chile
  • 4pm.: Felipe Poblete (Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile)

L^p-Maximal Regularity of Second Order Evolution Equations on the Line. Abstract (pdf)

  • 5 pm.:  Juan Carlos Pozo (Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile)

Fundamental Solutions of Fully Nonlocal Diffusion Problems. Abstract (pdf)

Monday, May 8, 2017 
Sala 2, Facultad de Matemáticas PUC.

  •  Maria Medina (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Title: A mixed fractional problem. Moving the boundary conditions  Abstract (Pdf)
  • 5.10 pm:  Erwin Topp  (USACH)

Title:  Parabolic equations with Caputo time derivative. Abstract (Pdf)




Monday Abril 24, 2017 
Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del DIM, U. de Chile. 
  •  Alexander Quaas (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)
Symmetry results in the half space for a semi-linear fractional Laplace equation through a one-dimensional analysis  Abstract (Pdf)
  • 5.10 pm:  Cristobal Quiñinao (Instituto de Ciencias de la Ingeniera – Universidad de O’Higgins)

Some results on large-scale dynamics for FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons: the effects of coupling on the fully excitatory case. Abstract (Pdf)

Monday, April 10, 2017 
Auditorio Ninoslav Bralic de la Facultad de Matemáticas de la PUC.

  • 4 pm. : Roberto Cortez (U. Valparaíso y CMM)
Title: Quantitative uniform propagation of chaos for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation

The Boltzmann equation models the evolution of the distribution of positions and velocities of a huge number of particles in a gas in 3-dimensional space, subjected to elastic binary collisions. We focus on the spatially homogeneous version of the equation, which assumes that this distribution does not depend on the position variable, and the collisions are randomized. We study the corresponding finite $N$-particle system in the simpler Maxwell molecules case, which is an $(\mathbb{R}^3)^N$-valued Markov jump process representing the evolution of the velocities of the $N$ particles. The goal is to prove the so-called propagation of chaos property: the convergence, as $N\to\infty$ and for each time $t\geq 0$, of the empirical measure of the system towards the solution of the Boltzmann equation. Under suitable moments assumptions on the initial distribution, we find an explicit uniform-in-time propagation of chaos rate of order almost $N^{-1/3}$ in squared $2$-Wasserstein distance.
  • 5pm,: Fernando Cortez (Escuela Politécnica de Quito, Ecuador)
Local blow up criteria for some dispersive equations

We consider the Cauchy problem for a particular equation posed on the circle $S^1$. In the literature, this equation represents the compressible hyper-elastic rod equation. We prove that a breakdown will occur as soon as a quantity is strictly negative in at least one point of the circle. Our analysis relies on the application of new local-in-space blow-up criteria for periodic solutions, which involves the computation of several best constants in convolution estimates and weighted Poincaré inequalities. We will also discuss about the impact of this result in other Cauchy problems.

 Monday, March 27, 2017 
Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del DIM, U. de Chile.

  •  4:00pm.: Tetsu Mizumachi (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Title:Asymptotic linear stability of the Benney-Luke equation in 2D
We study transverse linear stability of line solitary waves to the 2-dimensional Benney-Luke equation which arises in the study of small amplitude long water waves in 3D.
In the case where the surface tension is weak or negligible, we fi nd a curve of
resonant continuous eigenvalues near 0. Time evolution of these resonant modes
is described by a 1D damped wave equation in the transverse variable and it gives a
linear approximation of the local phase shifts of modulating line solitary waves.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del DIM, U. de Chile.
  • 4:00pm:  Serena Dipierro(University of Melbourne)

Title: Nonlinear free boundary problems


We consider a class of free boundary problems in which the energy functional is the nonlinear superposition of a Dirichlet energy and a volume or perimeter interface.
This type of problems presents some severe instability: namely, minimizers may not exist; when they exist,they may show a lack of regularity; and minimizers vary in general from scale to scale. We discuss these instability properties and present some regularity results.
  • 5:10pm: Enrico Valdinoci (U. Melbourne)
Title: Nonlocal phase transitions and minimal surfaces

We present some recent results on a nonlocal version of the Allen-Cahn equation, which is also related, at a large scale, to surfaces which minimize a nonlocal perimeter functional. We discuss some features, such as symmetry property, regularity and rigidity results.

Thirsday January 5, 2017
Sala multimedia del 6to. piso del CMM, U. de Chile.
  • 4pm.:Dominique Spehner, Institut Fourier and LPMMC, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France
Interacting bosons in a double-well potential: localization regime

We study the ground state of a large bosonic system trapped in a symmetric double-well potential, letting the distance between the two wells increase to infinity with the number of particles. In this context, one expects an interaction-driven transition between a delocalized state (the particles are independent and live in both wells) and a localized state (half of the particles live in each well). We start from the full many-body Schroedinger Hamiltonian in a large-filling situation where the on-site interactions and kinetic energies are comparable. When tunneling is negligible against the interaction energy, we prove a localization estimate showing that the particle number fluctuations in each well are strongly reduced. The modes in which the particles condense are minimizers of nonlinear Schroedinger-type functionals.
  • 5:10pm: Nicolás Torres (DIM U. Chile)
A multiple coexistence result for a competitive system that admits an ideal free distribution
In this work we study the dynamics of a diffusion-advection-competition model for two species living in a bounded region. For this model, there exists an optimal dispersal strategy called “ideal free”. An important result states that under symmetric competition, the ideal free strategy is optimal in the sense it always ensures the survival for the species which adopts it. We extend the study of this system for the non symmetric case and proved some results of stability and multiple existence of equilibria.

Monday, November 7, 2016.
Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del DIM, U. de Chile.

Chulkwang Kwak

Title: Fifth-order modified KdV equation

Abstract : In this talk, I will briefly introduce the basic low regularity well-posedness theory of dispersive equations, we will discuss about the Cauchy problem of the (integrable) fifth-order modified Korteweg-de Vries (modified KdV) equation under the periodic boundary condition. In particular, we will observe the non-trivial resonant phenomena of the Fourier coefficients of the solution and strong high-low interactions in nonlinear interactions. Precisely, non-trivial cubic and quintic resonant interactions do not admit that the nonlinear solution behave as a linear solution, so considering the integrable equation is very useful to study the low regularity Cauchy problem. Moreover, due to the lack of dispersive effect, we encounter the difficulty to control the nonlinearity via the standard way, so I will introduce the short time function space to defeat this enemy. In conclusion, we will prove the local well-posedness of the fifth-order modified KdV in $H^s$ for $s > 2$, via the standard energy method, and it is the first local well-posedness result of the periodic fifth-order KdV equation.


Coffee break

Nikola Kamburov

Title: The space of one-phase free boundary solutions in the plane

Abstract: In joint work with David Jerison we study the compactness of the space of solutions to the one-phase free boundary problem in the disk, whose positive phase is of a fixed genus. We describe the local structure of the free boundary and obtain rigidity estimates on its shape. Via a correspondence due to Traizet, our results are direct counterparts to theorems by Colding and Minicozzi for minimal surfaces.


Monday October, 24, 2016
Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del DIM, U. de Chile.
Nicola Abatangelo (U. Libre Bruselas)
Title: Loss of maximum principles for higher-order fractional Laplacians

It is long since known that the bilaplacian operator (namely, the square of the Laplacian), when coupled with Dirichlet boundary conditions, does not satisfy a maximum principle in general. We investigate whether maximum principles do hold or not for powers of the Laplacian between 1 and 2, and for other positive powers. We will show how the property is lost in general on disconnected domains, but it is still preserved on spherical ones. This is a joint work with S. Jarohs (Frankfurt) and A. Saldana (Lisbon).
Coffee Break
Márcio Cavalcante (CMM)
TitleThe initial-boundary value problem for the Schrödinger-Korteweg-de Vries system on the half-line 
We present some local well-posedness results for the initial-boundary value problem (IBVP) associated to the Schrödinger-Korteweg de Vries system on right and left half-lines. The results are obtained in the low regularity setting by using two analytic families of boundary forcing operators, one of these was developed by Holmer for the IBVP associated to the Korteweg-de Vries equation (Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 31 (2006)) and the other one was recently introduced by myself in the context of nonlinear Schrödinger with quadratic nonlinearities. This is a joint work with A.J. Corcho.

Monday October 17, 2016
Sala del 7mo. piso del Centro Modelamiento Matemático, U. de Chile.

Serena Dipierro (The University of Melbourne)
Title: Chaotic orbits for systems of nonlocal equations
We consider a system of nonlocal equations driven by a perturbed periodic potential. We construct multibump solutions that connect one integer point to another one in a prescribed way. In particular, heteroclinc, homoclinic and chaotic trajectories are constructed. This is a joint work with S. Patrizi and E. Valdinoci.

Pausa Café

Matthew Gursky (University of Notre Dame)
Title: Some geometric variational problems and associated Riemannian structures
In this talk I want to describe two problems from geometric analysis that can be re-interpreted as variational problems in an infinite-dimensional Riemannian space.  The first problem is the well known uniformization theorem for surfaces, and the associated Riemannian structure turns out to be equivalent to the Mabuchi-Semmes-Donaldson metric on the natural Kahler class.  In four dimensions the problem I will describe is a special case of the k–Yamabe
problem, a fully nonlinear version of the Yamabe problem.  I will explain how the Riemannian interpretation gives unexpected information about the variational properties of this equation.

Enrico Valdinoci (The University of Melbourne)
Title: Quantitative regularity results for nonlocal minimal surfaces
We present some quantitative properties of minimizers and stable sets for nonlocal interaction functionals, including the nonlocal perimeter as a particular case. These results include BV-estimates in every dimension for stable sets
and flatness estimates for local minimizers in dimension 2 and 3. The detailed results have been given in a recent paper joint with
Eleonora Cinti and Joaquim Serra


Thursday October 13, 2016
Sala del 5to. piso del Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática DIM, U. de Chile

Martín de Borbón (Universidad de San Luis)
Title: Blow-up limits of Kahler-Einstein mettrics with cone singularities
In Geometric Analysis it is often the case where one is interested in solutions to an elliptic equation which have a notion of scale invariant energy. Under suitable assuptions the only way in which solutions can degenerate is by accumulating energy at a finite number of points. Scaling the solutions at these points gives rise to the so-called blow-up limits or `bubbles’. These blow-up limits are then useful to model the degenration of solutions and to understand the cooresponding compactification of the moduli space of solutions. This general framework arises in the study of Harmonic maps, J-holomorphic curves, Yang-Mills theory and Einstein metrics on four-manifolds, among others. I will talk about this blow-up analysis in the context of Kahler-Einstein metrics on a complex surface with cone singularities along a smooth complex curve.

The study of Kahler metrics with cone singularities has been a very active area of research after a fundamental work of Donaldson in 2011 which laid the foundations for the relevant linear theory. These metrics play a key role in the recent proof of the Calabi conjecture for Fano manifolds by Chen-Donaldson-Sun and Tian. Besides that, Kahler-Einstein metrics with cone singularities have intrinsic interest; as they interact with the study of pairs of complex manifolds together with a divisor in Algebraic Geometry.


Monday September 4, 2016
Sala de seminarios del 5to. piso del Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática DIM, U. de Chile

Karina Vilches (U. Católica del Maule)
Title: Simultaneous Blow-up for two species Patlack-Keller-Segel System in $\mathbb R^2$.
Abstract:  See the PDF.

4:55 Pausa Café

Gianmarco Sperone (DIM U. Chile)
Title: Further remarks on the Luo-Hou’s ansatz for a self-similar solution to the 3D Euler equations
It is shown that the self-similar ansatz proposed by T. Hou and G. Luo to describe a blow-up solution of the 3D axisymmetric Euler equations leads, without assuming any asymptotic condition on the self-similar profi les, to an over-determined system of partial differential equations that produces two families of solutions: a class of trivial solutions in which the vorticity field is identically zero, and a family of solutions that blow-up immediately, where the vorticity field is governed by a stationary regime. In any case, the analytical properties of these solutions are not consisent with the numerical observations reported by T. Hou and G. Luo. Therefore, this result is a refi nement of the previous work published by D. Chae and T.-P. Tsai on this matter, where the authors find the trivial class of solutions under a rather unjusti fied decay condition of the blow-up profiles.


Monday August 22, 2016
Sala de Seminarios del 5to piso DIM U. de Chile

Boumediene Abdellaoui (Tlemcen University)
Title: Towards a deterministic KPZ equation with fractional diffusion: the stationary case
Abstract: see the PDF.



Monday August 8, 2016
Sala 5, Facultad de Matemáticas PUC

Mariel Sáez (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Title: Fractional Laplacians and extension problems: the higher rank case (joint with M.M. Gonzalez)
In previous work by A.Chang and M.M. Gonzalez the authors studied the connection between the fractional laplacian defined via the extension problem proposed in work of Caffarelli and Silvestre and a class of conformally covariant operators in conformal geometry.

In this talk I will describe a new family of fractional operators that arise from extending the work of A.Chang and M.M. Gonzalez to products of manifolds. These fractional operators can be understood from the view point of L.Caffarelli and L.Silvestre as considering extensions into two different directions and studying a Dirichlet to Neumann map type of problem associated to a degenerate elliptic pde system.

Duvan Henao (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Title: Existence theorems for geometrically nonlinear models of nematic elastomers
We will discuss recent models for nematic elastomers by Barchiesi & DeSimone and by Calderer, Garavito, & Yan, which involve simultaneously an elastic energy defined in the reference configuration and an energy that penalizes spatial variations of the nematic orientation in the deformed configuration. A local invertibility property for orientation-preserving Sobolev maps is used in order to establish the existence of minima. We present a refinement of the theories in which the hypotheses on the coercivity of the energy functions are slightly weakened. This is made possible by the results on the regularity of the inverses of Sobolev maps obtained by Henao & Mora-Corral in the analysis of cavitation and fracture in nonlinear elasticity.


Monday June 18, 2016
Sala de Seminarios DIM U. de Chile 5º piso, Beauchef 851, Edificio Norte

Andrés Zúñiga
(Indiana University,
Title: On the heteroclinic connection problem for multi-well gradient systems
In this talk we revisit the existence problem of vector-valued heteroclinic connections associated with Hamiltonian systems involving potentials W having several global minima in R^N. First we will review the standard results on this problem. Secondly, we present a simple variational approach to first find geodesics minimizing length of curves joining any two of the potential wells, where length is computed with respect to a degenerate metric having conformal factor W^(1/2). Then we show that when such a minimizing geodesic avoids passing through other wells of the potential at intermediate times, it gives rise to a heteroclinic connection between the two wells. This work improves upon the approach of P. Sternberg and represents a more geometric alternative to the approaches of e.g. N.D. Alikakos-G. Fusco and J. Byeon- P. Montecchiari- P. Rabinowitz, for finding such connections.



Monday June 6, 2016
Sala 5 Facultad de Matemáticas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Gyula Csató (Universidad de Concepción)
Title: About Hardy-Sobolev, Moser-Trudinger and isoperimetric inequalities with densities
The standard isoperimetric inequality states that among all sets with a given fixed volume (or area in dimension 2) the ball has the smallest perimeter. [See the attached pdf version of the abstract for a more precise statement.] The isoperimetric problem with density is a generalization of this question: given two positive functions f and g from R^2 to R, one studies the existence of minimizers of $\int_{\partial \Omega} g(x)$ among all domains $\Omega$ such that $\int_\Omega f(x)$ equals a fixed given constant. I will talk about some results when f(x)=|x|^q and g(x)=|x|^p, where p,q are real numbers. This is a rich problem with strong variations in difficulties depending on the values of p and q. I will first give an overview on Sobolev, Hardy-Sobolev and Moser-Trudinger inequalities and establish a different kind of connections to isoperimetric inequalities with densities. Finally I will present some of the results appearing in the following references:

  • Csató G., An isoperimetric problem with density and the Hardy-Sobolev inequality in R^2, Differential Integral Equations, 28, Number 9/10 (2015), 971-988.
  • Csató G. and Roy P., Extremal functions for the singular Moser-Trudinger inequality in 2 dimensions, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 54, Issue 2 (2015), 2341-2366.
  • Csató G. and Roy P., The singular Moser-Trudinger inequality on simply connected domains, Comm. Partial Differential Equations, to appear.


Monday May 2, 2016
Sala 2 Facultad de Matemáticas, P.U.C.

5:00 pm
María Medina (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Title: The effect of the Hardy potential in some Calderón-Zygmund properties for the fractional Laplacian
In this talk we will consider a non-autonomous problem (see attached pdf) involving the fractional Laplacian, a source term f(x), and a homogeneous Dirichlet condition outside a bounded domain. We will study its solvability, and the summability of the corresponding solution, according to the integrability of f(x), in the spirit of the classical results of Stampacchia. In particular, we will try to find the optimal conditions on f(x) and a parameter lambda (of eigenvalue type) in order to obtain a solution, seeing that the techniques applied in Boccardo-Orsina-Peral’ 06, where the authors study the problem for the classical Laplacian, do not provide optimality in this setting.

This work can be found in [Abdellaoui-Medina-Primo-Peral, JDE 260 (2016) 8160-8206].


Monday April 25, 2016
Sala de seminarios D.I.M. (5to piso), U. de Chile

5:00 pm
Carlos Román (Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris VI,
Title: On the first critical magnetic field in the three-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity
In this talk I will describe the behavior of global minimizers, close to the first critical field, of the Ginzburg-Landau energy with external magnetic field, for extreme type-II superconductors. I will present results by Sylvia Serfaty and Etienne Sandier in a two-dimensional reduced problem and new results concerning the full three-dimensional GL-functional.



Tuesday April 19, 2016
Sala de seminarios del Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática de la Universidad de Chile
5º piso, Beauchef 851, Edificio Norte

3:00 pm
Michel Chipot (Universität Zürich,
Title: Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations in two-dimensional domains with semi-infinite outlets
We would like to present existence results for stationary nonhomogeneous Navier-Stokes systems (see attached pdf). The boundary value for the fluid velocity is assumed to have compact support and the domain occupied by the fluid is supposed to be unbounded and having outlets to infinity. The core of the technique is the construction of solenoidal extensions of the boundary value satisfying the so-called Leray-Hopf condition.


Tuesday April 12, 2016
Sala de seminarios del Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática de la Universidad de Chile 5º piso, Beauchef 851, Edificio Norte

3:00 pm
Miguel Ángel Alejo (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
Title: Stability of mKdV breathers and numerical results
In this talk I will show some recent results about the stability of breather solutions of mKdV. I will also present some numerical results about the study of the spectra of linearized operators around breather solutions of other nonlinear PDEs bearing this kind of solution.


Monday March 14, 2016
Sala de seminarios del Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática de la Universidad de Chile
5º piso, Beauchef 851, Edificio Norte

Marek Fila (Comenius University,
Title: Extinction of solutions of the fast diffusion equation with critical and subcritical exponents
We discuss the asymptotic behaviour near extinction of positive solutions of the fast diffusion equation with critical and subcritical exponents. By a suitable rescaling, the equation is transformed to a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation. Among other things, we show that the rate of convergence to regular and singular steady states of the transformed equation can be arbitrarily slow for suitable initial data. Our results reveal the difference in the rates occurring in the critical and the subcritical case. They also yield new classes of extinction rates for the fast diffusion equation.



Wednesday January 13, 2016
Sala de seminarios del Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática de la Universidad de Chile

Sylvain Ervedoza (U. Toulouse)
Title: Local exact controllability for compressible Navier-Stokes equations
around constant trajectories
In this talk, I will present a recent result obtained on the local
exact controllability of the 3d compressible Navier-Stokes equation
around a constant trajectory with non-zero velocity, when the control
is exerted on the whole boundary of the domain. The proof of this
result is based on an observability inequality for the adjoint of the
linearized system. The main ingredient to obtain this inequality is
the tricky combination of the equations to reduce the problem to a
closed subsystem easier to deal with, and obtained by the introduction
of a new quantity corresponding to the effective viscous flux for the
adjoint equations. This subsystem will allow to understand
independently the hyperbolic and parabolic effects of the system. We
will then introduce Carleman estimates with weight functions following
the characteristics allowing to handle the non-linearity of the model
using a fixed point argument. This result has been obtained in
collaboration with Olivier Glass (Univ. Paris Dauphine) and Sergio
Guerrero (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie).

Pausa Café

André de Laire (U. Lille)
Title: Global well-posedness for a nonlocal Gross-Pitaevskii equation with
nonzero condition at infinity
In this talk we consider the Gross-Pitaevskii equation involving a nonlocal
interaction potential. Our aim is to give sufficient conditions that cover
a variety of nonlocal interactions such that the associated Cauchy problem
is globally well-posed with non-zero boundary condition at infinity, in
any dimension. We focus on even potentials that are positive definite or
positive tempered distributions.
We also discuss some nonexistence results for traveling waves solutions
to this equation.