
Interview to Mónica Musso in Radio Universidad de Chile

Did you know that the first college for women in Chile was firstly opened in 1877? In Europe, the situation was not much different, as we have to wait until 1817 to see this change. You have

Radio UChile. Interview to Manuel del Pino and Juan Dávila

Manuel del Pino and Juan Dávila, Capde researchers, talk live during the program “Milenio”produced by Radio Universidad de Chile, about the ways mathematics can be applied in society and how mathematicians work.

Threatre play “Love, Equations and Geometry”

The  threatre play “Love, Equations and Geometry ” is adressed to a general audience, especially young people.  This play, which is organized by the mathematician and Uruguayan playwright Omar Gil (also an expert in nonlinear PDEs ) and the Chilean theater company “La Coraje “, seeks to wake the interest in mathematics, scientific curiosity and appreciation of the beauty of this discipline. It represents human and daily situations through the sharp dialogues of a couple. The idea is to adapt, with emphasis on mathematical analysis and geometry, the hit play of the same name that has already been performed by this company in Chile . This activity is supported by the programme EXPLORA, which is carried out by Conicyt.