
“Primos entre sí”: En julio, ¡matemáticas en el teatro!

The article announces the play “Primos entre sí”, whose director is Estefabía Aedo. She explains that “the theatre is a learning tool for any field. It is an entertaing way to bring knowledge to the audience”.

Cafe Verbal: Retornando a las aulas de la mano de la Compañía la Coraje

Artículo de opinión sobre la obra “Primos entre sí”, presentada en Valparaíso el 31 de julio.

Entrevista a Manuel Del Pino y Juan Dávila

Manuel del Pino y Juan Dávila, investigadores de Capde, conversan en vivo en el programa radial “Milenio”, producido por Radio Universidad de Chile.

Celebración anual por el día de Pi

Una entrevista a Manuel del Pino, investigador CAPDE, en ocasión de la celebración anual conmemorando al número Pi.

LUN: “Su vida nos emocionó a todos, matemáticos o no”

Manuel del Pino, investigador de CAPDE, conversa sobre la relevancia de John Nash, matemático estadounidense y ganador del premio Nobel, quien inspirara la película “Una Mente Brillante”. 

Theater play sponsored by Capde have a large school student audience

More than four hundred school students enjoyed seeing “Primos entre sí”, an amusing and ingenious theater play that seeks to awake the interest in Mathematics.

Threatre play “Love, Equations and Geometry”

The  threatre play “Love, Equations and Geometry ” is adressed to a general audience, especially young people.  This play, which is organized by the mathematician and Uruguayan playwright Omar Gil (also an expert in nonlinear PDEs ) and the Chilean theater company “La Coraje “, seeks to wake the interest in mathematics, scientific curiosity and appreciation of the beauty of this discipline. It represents human and daily situations through the sharp dialogues of a couple. The idea is to adapt, with emphasis on mathematical analysis and geometry, the hit play of the same name that has already been performed by this company in Chile . This activity is supported by the programme EXPLORA, which is carried out by Conicyt.

ICM opens the science to the society within the Congress of the Future

On the occasion of the Congress of the Future, an space for exchange of ideas between Chileans and world class thought leaders, Millennium Science Initiative organizes two activities, which are free and open to the public, in Valparaíso (Chile).

CAPDE invites you to a poetic walk through mathematics

“Nice Concepts- a poetic walk through mathematics” , the educational video supported by Capde and produced by  the Department of Mathematical Engineering of Universidad de Chile, is already available on youtube.